Issue 8 - October 2020
Our quarterly Business Intelligence Bulletin brings you links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development and other resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Ontario Creates continues to update our detailed response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation on our website. This document is updated regularly, and outlines our commitments, as well as providing industry and health resources.

This study by the Computer Animation Studios of Ontario (CASO) surveyed the impacts of COVID-19 on Ontario’s VFX, animation and post-production companies, as well as examining what might be done to mitigate these impacts.

Improving Employee Retention in Cultural Industries
WorkInCulture developed this report to collect insights that can assist companies in Ontario’s creative industries to better manage their talent pool, chiefly through measures that target improving employee retention.
Ontario Creates has launched our new, redesigned Online Research Library. This refresh will provide significant improvement to user experience with interface and functionality redesign, and will allow Ontario Creates to make the most of our user data to further improve services.
Ontario Creates has also provided COVID-19 updates to all our industry sector profiles.
Ontario Creates launched our newly redesigned website in July. The new design has been developed with the intention of making our online content more accessible, understandable, and easier to navigate.
The Ontario Film Commission has released a comprehensive list of Professional Development & Learning Resources for people looking to either enter the screen industry, or to expand their skills and knowledge.
The Ontario Film Commission has also created a return to work website Ontario – Ready To Roll to provide all the key resources in one place: Health & Safety guidelines; PPE suppliers; travel and border information; government supports; expanded studio space and locations; and film worker databases. The site provides the most current information and links and is updated regularly.
Ontario Creates has launched the Shop. Stream. Support. campaign to give Ontario-owned companies and Ontario artists a visibility boost during this period of recovery after COVID-related shutdowns.
The Canadian government has pledged $500 million in funding to support Canada’s cultural and sporting sectors, in light of revenue losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of this fund, $326.8 million is being administered by Canadian Heritage, $198.3 million of which is being provided to beneficiaries of existing funding programs, as well as other organizations who can demonstrate need. Fifty-five million is being distributed by the Canada Council for the Arts, and $115.8 million is being used to support the Canadian audiovisual sector, administered by the Canada Media Fund and Telefilm Canada.
The Ontario government has made changes to the Film Classification Act. Effective July 27, 2020, film festivals, Canadian-produced films and limited exhibition films, will be exempt from the requirement to obtain film classifications for films distributed and exhibited in Ontario.
In June 2020, the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs heard a number of witness statements on the impacts of COVID-19 on Ontario’s cultural sector. Transcripts of these statements are available on the Legislative Assembly of Ontario website.
The Ontario government will be releasing a new Intellectual Property Action Plan, based on recommendations by the Expert Panel on Intellectual Property. The Plan aims to prioritize the generation, protection and commercialization of intellectual property. The government has also established a Special Implementation Team on Intellectual Property to continue the work done by the Expert Panel by providing advice to government on a number of related issues.
Engagement Opportunities
The Ontario government has also launched a consultation regarding the economic impacts of COVID-19. The survey seeks to determine the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted businesses, individuals and communities.
Other News & Updates
The Ontario government has released a full reopening plan to support safe recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. The plan is available online and is updated as the province moves through the planned stages of reopening.
The Ministry of Labour, Training & Skills Development has released their Section 21 Health and Safety Guidelines to support the safe reopening of the Screen sector in Ontario. The guidelines were created through extensive industry consultation, and provide return to work protocols for Screen-based production in the province, both on- and off-set.
Interactive Ontario has launched the IDM Industry Directory, an online resource designed to connect companies across sectors. The directory will help improve discoverability for companies, as well as assisting in making professional connections with services, partners and funding agencies.
A new database launched by Reelworld Film Festival gives visibility to screen-based industry workers who are negatively impacted by systemic racism in the industry. Access Reelworld is the most comprehensive national database of Black, Indigenous, Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American creatives in the Canadian entertainment industry. The database contains talent from over 78 categories in the screen based industries, and can be used to find above the line talent, below the line talent, applicants to sit on your Board of Directors, and hires for your broadcast companies, government agencies and production companies, as well as to post jobs.
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Ontario Creates
175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 501,
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R8
Phone: 416.314.6858 Fax: 416.314.6876